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LaTeX template

%%%% LaTeX users are invited to insert this preamble at the beginning of the source LaTeX file of their paper

%%%% document class choice must be 12pt %%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%% set margins and text width %%%%%%%%%%%%



\footnotesep = 0.3 cm

%%%%%% packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\usepackage[english]{babel} % sets English language

\usepackage{hyperref} % enables web links

\usepackage{amssymb}  % enables \Box, \Diamond and other symbols

\usepackage{graphicx}   % use pdf, png, jpg, or eps with pdflatex

\usepackage{color}   % enables colored text

\usepackage{animate}  % enables animated gifs (open with Adobe Reader to view)

% \animategraphics[height=5cm,loop,autoplay]{06}{AnimGifs/image}{01}{10}

% omit loop if not desired

% {06} sets rate frames/sec

% {01}{10} first/last frame

%%%% user defined macros if any %%%%%%%%%%%%




%%%%% document text %%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\title{Title of the Paper}   %%% title 

\author{Author Name Surname  \\     %% author(s) name(s)

\small{Advanced School of Interdisciplinary Research (\href{}{})} \\

\small{Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion And Science (\href{}{})}

\thanks{Further Institute denomination, if any.}}


\maketitle  %%%%% makes title and institution name


An abstract of no more than 20 lines describes the problem examined (no equations, nor quotations, nor references), the main original results.



\noindent Keywords: (at most 5 standard keywords to identify the topics of the paper)


\noindent DOI: *** *** ***



The introduction explains in more detail than the abstract the purpose of the paper, the methodology of the approach, indications on the content of each section.

Cite reference like this\cite{ref1}  [References are listed in order of appearance within the text of the paper.]

Footnotes are allowed and are to be set at the end of the page like this\footnote{Footnote text. References to articles or books are invoked by the related number in the references list at the end of the paper. Like this: see \cite{ref1}, p. 3.}

\section{Section title}   %%% identifies the section title

In this section we will experiment with changing font sizes and styles.

\subsection{Subsection title}   %%% identifies the section title

\subsubsection{Subsubsection title}   %%% identifies the section title


The last section must be devoted to conclusions, summarizing in few lines the main results proposed and the open problems which could be objet of future investigation.


\bibitem{ref1} N.~Surname (of the author), ``title of the paper'', \emph{title of the review,} \textbf{vol number}, (publication year), pp.~xx-yy (page numbers of the full paper). [References are listed in order of appearance within the text of the paper.]

\bibitem{ref2} N.~Surname (of the author), \emph{title of the book,} Publisher name, city year. Web links are allowed to papers or e-books legally published on the web.

